long experiences in different specialization such as security administrative, planning and management.
In order to Abtal Al Iraq for Security Services (AIS) company to insure implementing the requirements security of our clients in the best mean, Abtal Al Iraq for Security Services (AIS) company employed team of high qualifications and long experiences in different specialization such as security administrative, planning and management.
This team is supported by number of security supervisors, specialized in operation and draftsmen which help to respond to the necessities and technical requirements of the security projects with extreme speed and efficiency in addition to the capability of preparing the security plan and roots inside the area, according to the request of the clients, All to ensure sure executing and completing the projects in full according to the highest security standards of quality and accuracy.
In 2019, Abtal Al Iraq for Security Services company contracted a business partnership contract with the (Pilgrim’s Group) ”a British Specialist security risk management and consultancy company and holds multiple certificates in the best qualification and training, and the award for the best security guard for several years as well”.Abtal Al Iraq for Security Services (AIS) Company able to provide services and operations throughout the Republic of Iraq, Internationally accredited with PSC.1, ISO 18788, and ISO 9001:2015, with the latest revision and validation.
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